FestivalFinder.eu: Behind the scene

Audrey Brisack - 06 Nov 2020

As a key sector in Europe's creative industries, festivals play an important role in entertainment and cultural services. To give you a better idea of the festival scene, here is some information about festivals registered on FestivalFinder.eu and EFFE Labels. We will take you behind the scene to explore some of the main festivals’ characteristics, looking at their location, art disciplines but also some interesting figures on the economical, audience and staff/artists levels.

Opera Backstage

FestivalFinder.eu is an online search tool for audiences to discover arts festivals, from music to theatre, streets arts to dance, literature, etc. in 45 countries in Europe and beyond. It guides European citizens and audiences worldwide through Europe’s diverse cultural space.

The present report highlights details about 2283 festivals registered on FestivalFinder.eu and collects information about them, as: locations, art disciplines, targeted audiences, economic data...

"The community of festivals associated to FestivalFinder.eu is widely spread in Europe and beyond, giving you a clear view of the diversity of festivals on a geographical and cultural level."

"FestivalFinder.eu is an online tool to discover and connect to various art disciplines presented and represented by festivals."

"A broad number of our FestivalFinder.eu community are medium-sized festivals. These festivals have an average of attendees ranging from 2000 to 10000 people per day. "

"The EFFE Label is Europe’s quality stamp for remarkable arts festivals showing their engagement in the field of the arts, community involvement and international openness."