Survey: festivals' needs and commitments

08 Apr 2020
Festivals General No Copywright Creative Commons3

The shutdown caused by COVID-19 is having dramatic consequences for all of us. We have created a special page to announce which festivals registered on supposed to happen in March/April were cancelled or postponed. The European Festivals Association (EFA) has published an initial overview of the festivals organised by its members afflicted by the same fate.

At this very difficult time, we are trying to gather as much information as possible to be together, inspire each other and guide our response to provide an accurate picture to governments and other funders about the needs of festivals.

Many surveys on a national level are already going on, analysing the impact and challenges among the cultural and creative sector and if measures are taken by Governments.

Because festivals have their own specificities, EFA has built a questionnaire to identify the needs of our sector, as well as to share best practices among you, the community.

Your proposals will be highlighted in our communications and statements to political stakeholders on the EU level as well as other enabling institutions (in cooperation with more networks).

We invite your festival to fill in EFA's survey. The published results will be anonymous. We estimate it will take approximately 15 minutes to answer. We kindly ask you to send your answers before 31 May.

Thank you in advance for your reply!